Employment Law Class Action | HTW Law - Employment Lawyer
A Class Action Lawyer that is one phone call away. Employment law - Class action can be used in employment law dispute between employer and employees, employment law workplace harassment and discrimination cases involving systematic discriminative corporate practice or a corporate culture where sexual harassment & violence is commonplace, massive work force layoffs.
What's Class Action in Employment Law Context?
A Class Action in employment law context is a civil action brought by one or more representative (usually an employee in an employment law legal dispute) on behalf of a larger group of victims (the class members) for matters involving common defendant(s) (usually an Employer, and other key employees in the management) involving the same transaction or related transactions (e.g. a massive wrongful dismissal employment law claim involving many employees who have been wrongfully terminated). A class action is a collective effort for cost minimization and judicial efficiency.
How to File an Employment Law Class Action?
An action could either start as an employment law class proceeding by seeking a leave from Court in obtaining an Order for Certification from the Court certifying it as a class action. An employment law class action case could also be initiated as an individual action and be amended into a class proceeding by amending the statement of claim. During the Certification hearing, the Court will consider whether common employment law issues are raised, whether an employment law class action is preferable and whether there is a suitable representative plaintiff who can fairly and adequately represent the interests of the class, whom have no conflict of interest with other class members, and have a plan for pursuing the action and for notifying other class members.
If it is an Employment Law Class Action, following a determination of the common issues, the Court will then address individual employment law issues. Broad discretions are given to the Court for the distribution of employment law monetary relief. The Court may order individual assessments for class members or the relief awarded be distributed to the class members in some other fair ways. Although most class action proceeding ends with a settlement, some advance to trial sparingly.
Employment Law Class Action - Is it for Me?
There are many reasons why you might want to consider filing your employment law case as a Class Action instead of an individual suite. There might have many victims involving the same transaction (e.g. massive layoff of the work force without just compensation and proper severance pay). The cost minimization and judicial efficiency of an Employment Law Class Action makes it possible for victims to seek justice in cases where the legal cost far exceeds the monetary award each individual victim is entitled to and as such an individual suite by each victim wouldn't be financially feasible otherwise. In some occasions, more victims are discovered along the way as the employment law legal proceeding progress that calls for a Class Action.
Do I Need A Class Action Lawyer?
An Employment Law Class Action suite is extremely complicated and is highly technical. If you are a victim resulted from a transaction involving more than one victims, you are advised to seek legal advice immediately from an experienced Employment Lawyer before the matter is statutory barred from commencing. An Employment law lawyer can walk you through the whole employment law class action process steps by steps from A to Z, to make an employment law class action as easy as ABC.
If you intend to bring a class action against the employer as an representative plaintiff or you are an employer defending against a class action suite, Call us now at 647-849-6582 or Contact Us Now for Immediate Assistance. HTW Law can help. Don't wait, as time is of the essence!! Free Consultation, No Win No Fee for qualified Employment Law Class Action case.
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