Federally Regulated Employees FAQs
Federally regulated employees aka federal workers are governed by the Canada Labour Code, R.S.C., 1985, c. L-2 (the “CLC”). Federal Workers Frequently Asked Questions:

Employment law test for who are federally regulated employees is fact-specific, legally based. Federally regulated employees are governed by the Canada Labour Code (CLC). As a federally regulated employee, if you think you have been unjustly dismissed, or if you are an employer being served with unjust dismissal claim, immediate response is needed.
Who are Federally Regulated Employers? The federally regulated private sector is comprised of a tight niche of employees and employers whose labour rights and responsibilities are defined by the Canada Labour Code (CLC). Federal labour standards, which establish minimum working conditions, etc…, are set out in the CLC.
Unjust dismissal is ONLY available to federally regulated employees, aka federal workers, while wrongful dismissal is a Common Law remedy for non-unionized workers. Non-union federal workers in non-management positions who believe they have been unjustly dismissed have the right to bring an “unjust dismissal” complaint under Canada Labour Code.
Federally regulated employees are governed by the Canada Labour Code, R.S.C., 1985, c. L-2 (CLC). If you are a federally regulated employee aka federal worker, when you have been unlawfully terminated, you have the option to sue for wrongful dismissal or constructive dismissal under Common Law or to sue for unjust dismissal under Canada Labour Code.