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Work-Life Balance for Workers: Exploring Remote Opportunities in Ontario

Hanna Kochehura

Updated: 6 days ago

In 2024, Canada ranked 5th among 60 countries in research on work-life balance worldwide. This great result shows that Canadian professionals value healthy ties between these two aspects of life. 

A lot of it has to do with minimum wage rates, inclusivity, safety, and job security. At the same time, remote and hybrid work plays a huge part, too. Options like remote opportunities for lawyers in Ontario or hybrid employment in customer service have become a massive trend in recent years. It is easy to notice when you go on Jooble and search for this type of opening. 

This article will reveal the link between remote employment and work-life balance. 


An Article from Our International Contributor


Work, Life, and Remote

The main push to remote employment happened in 2019 because of the COVID-19. However, the results of this shift are still prominent with a growing tendency. 

In the midst of it, about 40% of Canadian professionals worked from home (in 2020). To compare, in November of 2023, only 20% of specialists stayed remote. Not to mention the year 2016, when only 7% of Canadians worked remotely.

Also, a decent number of people work in a hybrid environment (with fully remote employees, the number adds to 45%), where they spend a couple of days in an office and the rest at home. 

Why does it matter to understand work-life balance for any potential job-seeker? It plays a significant role in work satisfaction, balancing responsibilities, and feeling happier. 

The study by the Labour Market Information Council (LMIC) shows that remote work has several significant benefits, namely:

  • Team productivity and diverse hires for employers that are not bound to local recruitment. 

  • Businesses save costs on office space and related disbursements; 

  • The inclusivity increases as people who cannot work from the office have an opportunity to be employed in more different positions and industries; 

  • Employees are more satisfied with their jobs. The FCS data shows that remote specialists are happier overall with their work than those performing on-site.

  • Remote workers also report better mental health, life satisfaction, and overall well-being. 

One of the main reasons people working from home feel more fulfilled is the opportunity to establish a proper life-work balance. It comes with better time and productivity management as it also reduces commuting expenses and stress otherwise. 

At the same time, many professionals claim that it also boosts their focus and performance at work. A well-built home office appeals to your needs, like the silence, coziness, comfortable temperature, and airing, when a usual office downtown cannot provide this luxury. Another important factor is the rise of new opportunities. Remote employment allows one to explore job openings from different businesses in other parts of the country or even worldwide. 

Uneven work-life balance can be harmful and, in some cases, detrimental. It can lead to problems with mental health, from burnout to depression. These factors result in the worsening of physical health and can lead to even more serious illnesses. It harms one's work performance along with personal life. Managing to balance work and after-work hours is crucial for every individual.

Remote Work Trend in Canada

It is safe to say that the landscape has shifted to more flexible employment opportunities, which are hugely beneficial for employees, businesses, and organizations. 

The main drivers in this shift are:

  • Technological progress (a lot of jobs can be done online without any issues); 

  • Companies are exploring flexible options as well. After the pandemic, they are much more open to remote positions and flexible schedules; 

  • Specialists feel happier when they have the freedom to choose their employment type. As a result, they are more productive and loyal to the company.

This trend influences almost all industries. Indeed, some jobs can only be done on-site, but the vast majority can adopt some level of flexibility in this regard. 

The most prominent industries to look into for remote jobs are: 

  • Technology; 

  • Finance; 

  • Law;

  • Education; 

  • Healthcare;

  • Consultations;

  • Customer service.

Healthcare might be the most surprising area, but there is a huge rise in telehealth providers. Therapists, counselors, and administrative workers can also work remotely. So, if you were thinking about looking for remote opportunities, it might be a perfect time to try. 

Remote Employment Search Strategies

Canada, in general, and Ontario, in particular, have a lot to offer when it comes to work flexibility. Toronto`s policies are in place to ensure safety, effectiveness, and productivity. They allow major companies to be open to such options. 

These efficient strategies can help you establish a better work-life balance and find a remote or hybrid position. 

  1. Look for companies that already hire remotely. You can look them up on Jooble by filtering only such openings.

  2. Use online search to expand your reach. On Jooble, you can explore openings in different areas. You can search for jobs in Ontario or other cities, regions, or even countries.

  3. Work on your resume and LinkedIn account. If you already have hybrid/remote experience, highlight it.

  4. Apply to the positions even if you do not satisfy all of the requirements in the description. The requirements focus on the ideal candidate, which rarely exists. You are competing with those who apply and might be the most suitable one.

  5. Prepare for an interview carefully. Pay attention to the setup and internet connection. Focus on making a good impression.

  6. Create a healthy routine for being productive while working from home. This includes everything from necessary gadgets to setting boundaries with your family members regarding noise or distraction during office hours. 

  7. Consider freelance or project work. It is also a great option to gain more freedom and flexibility with your schedule.

Legal Considerations in Remote Working

Legal Considerations in Working Aboard - UK Remote Work Visas and Working Aboard Ultimate Guide - htwlaw employment lawyer

However, remote employment also present a new set of unprecedented legal challenges that was unthinkable in the pre-COVID era. What if the worker perform works for an Ontario company who resides OUTSIDE of Ontario? Where is the workplace for someone who is working remotely? How about employees' privacy rights when employers monitor employees digitally?

1. Working Aboard as a Continuation of Work Performed in Ontario

If the work being done is a continuation of employment that started in Ontario, workers residing outside the province will be subject to the Ontario Employment Standards Act ("ESA"), pursuant to Section 3 of the ESA.

In the case where a worker works on a temporary project in a foreign country for a short amount of time and then returns, only the time spent in Ontario or continued in Ontario will count toward the three-month probation period rule under section 54 of ESA.

If a worker is permanently employed out of province and works entirely outside of Ontario, then the ESA WILL NOT apply.

Nonetheless, even when ESA is no longer applicable, the common law contractual freedom principle remains. If the employment contract states that Ontario law will govern the employment relationship, the Ontario common law principles of wrongful and constructive dismissal are still valid.

Relevant Articles of Interest:

2. Residence as Workplace

Pursuant to section 53.2 of the ESA, work establishment includes an employees residence, but only if the employee works exclusively from home.

3. Digital Monitoring

Pursuant to Section 41.1.1 of the ESA, employers that employ 25 or more employees on January 1 of any year are required to have a written policy on the electronic monitoring of employees in place. 

The policy must state whether or not the employer electronically monitors employees. If the employer does, the policy must include:

  • a description of how and in what circumstances the employer may electronically monitor employees

  • the purposes for which the information obtained through electronic monitoring may be used by the employer

  • the date the policy was prepared (the date must include the day, month and year)

  • the date any changes were made to the policy

Relevant Articles of Interest:


Remote employment is one of the key factors in work-life balance and life satisfaction for specialists. It can boost productivity, uncover new job prospects, and give you more time with loved ones. 

But legal issues revolving around remote working could be complicated. You may want to consult with an experienced employment law firm such as HTW Law, to learn of your employment law rights and the do and don't before deciding to work remotely.

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With the right legal support, employees can navigate the challenges of remote working, and employers avoid legal pitfalls. 

HTW Law - top employment law firm 2023

You don't have to fight the battle alone. Speaking with an employment lawyer who is familiar with the laws and regulations regarding remote work, employment contracts and employment law in general will go a long way. If you are in doubt, it's essential that you reach out for help as soon as possible right away.


Click here to contact HTW Law - Employment Lawyer for assistance and legal consultation.

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By Hanna Kochehura

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